The Arroyo Arts Collective Presents Forest, For the Trees A Fiber Environment Call For Artists

Project Description The Arroyo Arts Collective invites artists to participate in Forest, For the Trees, a built-environment site specific fiber based installation to be assembled in the Annex section of the Avenue 50 Studio November 12, – December 4, 2011.

An old-growth forest, through its great age, exhibits unique ecological features and is often home to rare, threatened, and endangered species of plants and animals, making them ecologically significant. Unfortunately, many of our old-growth forest stands are threatened by habitat destruction at the invasive hands of man.

This exhibition hopes to address the wonders and perils of the forest by creating an environment, which is at once unique and fantastic, dangerous and bizarre, and by acknowledging that one day the built environment may be all that’s left us.

We are looking for all types of yarn art relating to our forest, and encourage both novice and expert crafters with open arms. Who knows what lurks within the deepest, darkest parts of the forest; trees, groundcover, animals, monsters, aliens, maybe a taco plants or two. We’d love to see works that are funny, socially conscience, use unusual materials and/or push the knit/crochet envelope. Recycled knit and fiber materials are encouraged.

The Annex is approximately 11 ! feet by 12 feet square, with a 15-foot ceiling. The forest will expand out from one of the corners and pieces may hang from the ceiling, protrude from the wall, lay on the floor, etc... Both two and three-dimensional work will be accepted and appreciated.

Any out of town work will need to be delivered no later than October 15th, 2011. Local work may be delivered to the gallery no later than November 7th, 2011, between 5-8pm.

You are invited to contribute a piece, which will form part of a cohesive whole that will remain intact. The parts will not be returned, as we will be working to travel the show.

Mail to: Forest, For the Trees Amy Caterina, C/o Grand Central Art Center, 125 N Broadway, Santa Ana CA 92706

Amy Caterina is a filmmaker, photographer and free-range knitter based in Santa Ana.  Her fiber arts work includes a knitted car cover and forest, complete with deer and fox. She is also a roaming curator and ! of the Film Fest Rat Powered Films.        

Heather Hoggan is a visual artist and designer who is active in the knitting community. She is the co- president of the Arroyo Arts Collective, a grassroots, community based organization of artists, poets,musicians, craftspersons and supporters of the creative community in Northeast Los Angeles. For more information on the AAC please visit

For more information on the project, please contact us at forestforthetrees2011(at)gmail(dot)com